The DES Collaboration
Likelihood Code.
Some of these figures were made using cosmic shear likelihood code which is implemented in both the CosmoSIS and CosmoLike parameter estimation codes. Instructions for using it via the former are available here.
Key figures from the paper. Clickable version of the comparison figureCosmic shear 2pt function measurements overlaid on Planck predictions
Constraints on the amount and clumpiness of matter from DES SV cosmic shear, CFHTLenS cosmic shear and Planck CMB
Constraints on the amount and clumpiness of matter from a range of cosmological datasets
Clickable version of the above so you can select layers and set transparencies
Cosmic shear 2pt function measurements from DES SV projected onto the matter power spectrum. Similarly for Planck and CFHTLenS.
Constraints on the dark energy equation of state from DES SV cosmic shear, CFHTLenS cosmic shear and Planck CMB